Save time and money with our exclusive integrations and partnerships.
- Sync student rosters, guardian information and attendance in real time directly to your SIS with our PowerSchool integrations. Save hours of data entry and manage daily custody or reunification by integrating your PowerSchool account with CENTEGIX Visitor Management.
- Sync student rosters and guardian information from most other SIS through our OneRoster API integration. OneRoster API can be enabled in your SIS or through ClassLink.
- Leverage our Identity App to authenticate your users and manage their permissions. Works with all SAML 2,0 compliant Identity Providers.
- Volunteer Application and integration with SterlingVolunteers. Our integration allows you to digitize your volunteer application and automatically process volunteer background checks through SterlingVolunteers. Only approved Volunteers will have access to your sites.
Use the list below to learn about the different integrations.