Enhanced Visitor Management(EVM) FAQ

What does the CENTEGIX EVM badge do?

The badge allows you to: 

  • Know where your visitors are in an emergency (real-time).
  • Know if your visitors are in restricted spaces. 
  • Know if visitors are instigating/involved in emergency incidents. 
  • Audit contractor/vendor timesheets. 

How does the badge work? 

The badges use the same CrisisAlert network to transmit location data to the School Manager Heat Map. This technology includes LoRaWan and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).

Visitors will be assigned a CENTEGIX Visitor Badge, and school admins can monitor and locate individual visitors around the building/campus in real-time. 

The badge communicates with your existing CrisisAlert network to relay location information to a live heatmap that admins can access anytime. Admins can also pull detailed reports of visitor movement around the campus. 

NOTE: The CrisisAlert staff badge does not communicate this location information unless that staff member activates an alert.

What is the expectation of staff? What users/roles should use the system once this is active, and how should they use it?

The School District must establish expectations and access roles before implementing the system, as the system includes specific user roles.

  • School District: The school district should clearly define which staff members at the school level require access and which should have restricted access. 
  • Administrative staff and SRO: Only staff members with the Admin role can access all features, including the ability to make changes, review alerts, and view the live heatmap records. 
    • It is crucial to limit these roles, as the information is sensitive and should only be accessible to specific individuals. 
  • Front office staff: Typically responsible for overseeing the check-in process and reviewing the live map of visitors on the dashboard. 
    • Once a visitor checks in, the front office administrator should open the school manager application to view the visitor’s check-in details and their icon/information displayed on the heatmap. 

Can our current staff badges be used with your system?

You may already have staff badges with a barcode or built-in RFID technology. Generally, these badges will work with the system, but this should be tested before implementation. The Service Delivery team will assist with testing.