System Logs (Web Client)

System Logs provide a way to report any potential issues with your system to CENTEGIX support. By turning on debugging, the system will create a log file that our support team can use to troubleshoot and fix problems.

To access the System Logs menu, click on the 3 lines at the top left-hand corner of the check-in/out screen, then click on Settings. If you do not see Settings, you’ll need to click on Switch to Admin Mode and then log in with admin credentials. Once there, you should see Settings.

If you run into an issue that you can reproduce, simply click Enable Debugging, then select Debug Settings, set Max Log Size to 4000, and Click Save. Once that’s done, recreate the issue, then click Report An Issue. Enter a detailed description and click Send. This will send the logs and your school information directly to our support team. We will then reach out to you to assist in getting your issue resolved.

System logs